Status of the Nature as Sanctuary Exhibit

As you know, our exhibit, Nature as Sanctuary, will not take place as originally scheduled this spring. The Church of the Heavenly Rest, our planned venue, has closed its facilities to the public for an unspecified period due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19.

However, the Program Administrator has told us that, if at all possible, the church intends to honor its commitment to SierraPhoto NYC and will make every effort to accommodate our exhibit when the church reopens. As you are aware, public health regulations surrounding the pandemic are being reformulated almost on a daily basis. When the picture becomes clearer, we will provide information about possible show dates. And, once we have a firm commitment, we can plan for an opening reception!

We remind those participants who have used One Hour Framing that the store is still closed, but the framed photos are safely stored there. If our exhibition does take place, we hope they will be able to deliver the photos to the exhibition site.

We thank everyone for their patience during this difficult time in the life of our nation. Stay healthy, follow the guidelines for protecting yourself, and let’s all hope that our beautiful show will eventually be on the gallery walls for all to see!

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